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FWB participation in the Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanitie S

FWB participation in the Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanitie S
FWB participation in the Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanitie S

Sandrine Tonnoir and Ananda Kohlbrenner have been invited to take part in a symposium on the theme of Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanites on 6 and 7 September 2023 at the University of Oslo. They will be taking part in the panel entitled From soil to soiling, where they will be presenting the Super Terram project through the various artistic productions to which it has given rise.

Super Terram, launched in 2021, focuses on the biological life of Brussels' soils. In anticipation of the European directive on urban soils currently being adopted and the need to translate it to the regional level, this project aims to bring out new ways of developing our cities, more sensitive to the multiple relationships that unfold beneath our feet. Led mainly by women from the fields of architecture, human sciences, biology and the arts, the project explores the potential of graphic and artistic methods to engage with soil experts, urban planners and activists in co-creating new representations of urban soils. With the collaboration of artists such as the duo Denicolai & Provoost, Oncle Kinch and Valérianne Poidevin, the project has given rise to a number of artistic creations, including radio (soil stories podcast), graphics (poster, graphic novel) and film, which will be showcased at the Symposium.



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