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www.architectures2016-2019.com Inventories #3: Submit your 2016-2019 projects !
You are architects, eco/auto-constructors, urban planners, co-responsible for grouped housing, aldermen, contextual artists, landscape architects, initiators of participatory projects, ZADists, activists, precarious occupants, nomads... You are concerned about living and transforming your environment, the landscape and architecture in Wallonia and Brussels? This call is for you.
The curators of the book and exhibition Inventories#3 invite you to submit your project(s) on www.architectures2016-2019.com by March 14, 2019 at the latest.
Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles Inventaires #3 is part of this history of the present time. The curators would like the publication and exhibition to talk about those who care about spatial planning, the frugal use of the material, the sociology of innovative grouped housing, the importance of the interplay of actors and negotiation, the committed actions of collective activists...
They wish to collect in your news 2016 - 2019: your new land uses and buildings, your ways of living together, your constructions, your renovations, your demolitions, whether top down or bottom up, your projects for intimate places, public facilities, gardens, your experiments, your obvious actions, your lectures, your creations that transform architecture, landscape and the world.Welcome !