Home News Fourre-Tout Editions: Venice Biennale
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24/05/18 Fourre-Tout Editions: Venice Biennale
Founded in 2004 by the architect Pierre Hebbelinck, the Fourre-Tout Editions (Liège) have today a 25 books catalogue. Each book aims to develop a communication and cultural presence tool, as an efficient occasion to bring architecture in the cultural field. In 2014, Fourre-tout is teaming with the Centre for Central European Architecture (CCEA, Prague) to extend in a book the discussions related to the exhibition Lifting the Curtain · Central European Architectural Networks which took place in la Sala Tiziano de l'Officina delle Zatterre during the 14th Biennale of Venice. Result of a 4 years work, Lifting the Curtain (304 pages, FR/EN) proposes an unpublished view on the development and the role of networks in architecture in this oriental part of Europe, twenty-five years after the iron curtain fell. The book will be presented in the belgian Pavilion on May 24th at 2PM in the context of a literary café entitled Network with the presence of his major protagonists.