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Renowatt energy renovation of buildings in the Liège region


Canevas, Architectes et Ingénieurs

RenoWatt aims to renovate the energy efficiency of public buildings in the form of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC).
An audit method makes it possible to evaluate existing consumption, identify energy gains and determine a programme of actions to be implemented for each building concerned by the project in order to reduce energy consumption by 12 to 53%.
Once the work is completed, the technical installations are monitored and maintained for 15 years.
To carry out this project, Engie Cofely has surrounded itself with several expert companies capable of mastering the diversity of interventions: façade insulation work, replacement of windows, HVAC work, electrical work, installation of photovoltaic solar panels, installation of heat pumps, ... Our architecture and engineering office Canevas is one of the support entities of Engie Cofely for the renovation of the building envelope. We carry out our architectural mission from the design stage to the acceptance of the work.
The complexity and particularity of the RenoWatt project is due to the multiplicity of interlocutors, stakeholders and the large number of buildings to be treated. Indeed, the project involves 9 different contracting authorities and more than 136 buildings, with work being carried out on 64 different occupied sites: schools, administrations and sports buildings. In addition, all the studies and works must be carried out over a short period of 2 years. Engie Cofely therefore entrusted Canevas with a "project management" mission in addition to the architectural mission. This steering mission consists of planning the studies and works as well as the budgetary synthesis of the overall RenoWatt project.
To ensure that the renovation project is a success for everyone, we ensure that the work sites are adapted to the building's occupancy conditions.
Year of conception
Year of delivery
9 pouvoirs adjudicateurs différents : Province de Liège, Villes de Bassenge, Herstal, Oupeye, Liège, Verviers, Trois-Ponts, Huy et Seraing
Total budget
36 600 000
292 000
bureau Greisch
Special techniques
bureau Greisch et Neo & Ides

64 sites distincts
4000 Bassenge, Herstal, Oupeye, Liège, Verviers, Trois-Ponts, Huy et Seraing

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