
Pierre Blondel Architectes

Since the firm’s creation in 1982, we have specialised in designing grouped housing in urban environments, working on renovations and the construction of new developments.
Its projects, that have earned the firm numerous architecture prizes set out to show that it is possible to design quality housing even in difficult urban situations.
Over the past 10 years, we have set our sights on applying the knowledge gained in the field of housing to public housing so as to bring about a real change in attitudes towards such developments.
Alongside theoretical research into the question (Pierre Blondel teaches at La Cambre School of Architecture where he heads a workshop devoted exclusively to housing. He also regularly gives conferences on this subject), the firm has completed many housing projects on behalf of the public authorities, all of which tackle the difficult challenge of public housing: delivering high-quality housing taking on board budgetary and planning constraints.


Pierre Blondel


Mathieu Wilputte, Serge Eloi, , Andreï Miulescu, Geneviève Van Ranst, Daniel De Buck, Beatriz Gonzalez, Louis Villé, Clément Panier Des Touches, Louise Strack, Eva Deschamps, Léa Debauche, Esther Perrier, Ismael Nikolaou, Léa Boquier, Natacha Englebert, Théo Lanneau

1988 – “Règles d’or de l’urbanisme” for the best housing development
(in association with J.P. Blondel and O. Filippone)

1992 - Architectural Award:
1st prize in the renovation category (Couronne)
Prix du Ministre Picqué

1992 - Architectural Award
Press Prize (Banana split)
Prix du Ministre Desir

1994 - Architectural Award:
Honourable mention (Chartreux)
Prix du Ministre Van Eyl

2001 – Belgian Architecture Awards
Nomination (Courtois)

2003 - Belgian Architectural Building Award:
1st prize (Rempart sports hall) in the non residential category.

2004 - Belgian Architectural Building Award:
Honourable Mention (Ilot Sarma)

2004 – Prize of the City of Brussels
1st prize (Rempart sports hall)

2004 - Belgian Architectural Building Award
Nomination (Dansaert)

2006 - Belgian Architectural Building Award
Project nominated (rue des 4 vents)

2008 – Walloon Brabant planning prize
House in Court St Etienne

2010 – Walloon Brabant planning and architecture prize
1st prize (Marina house)

2010 – Wallonia Architecture Biennial 2010
Individual and collective housing prize (22 housing units in Liege)

place Flagey 7
1050 Bruxelles

Tél : 32 2 649 81 81





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+32 2 421 83 64

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