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Rehabilitation of the ancient Pathé Palace

aa-ar, atelier d’architecture alain richard

Cinema and art complex :
4 screens
reception area
cultural shop
offices and meeting room
staff accomodation
In the heart of Brussels, the complete renovation of the former Pathé Palace has created a multicultural exchange centre. The centre consists of a cinema complex of four screens, primarily dedicated to art house films, with a pedagogical section and a variety of event activities.

Creating space, by disassembling and thoughtfully evacuating elements, allowed the introduction of natural light into the complex, as well as revealed and highlighted the value of the preserved elements.

The foyer took full advantage of the additional open space to become a multifunctional place enabling multicultural exchanges. The open space allows for the unrestricted flow of ideas, thoughts and people.

The foyer, grew to become the hub of the building, brought to life by the different spaces’ atmospheres (bar, shop, kiosk) from the basement to the upper levels which gives access to the screens.

Connecting seven floors, a glass tower manage vertical traffic and access to the screens. It became the boarding area that leads spectators to the adventure of the movies, via the screens entrance tunnels.

The Palace is also a hub for the neighbourhoods. The creation of a revealing opening towards the district of Saint-Géry transforms the rear façade of the old theatre into a piece of urban order where signage allows artistic events as well as cultural exchanges.
Year of conception
Year of delivery
asbl Le Palace | Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Boulevard Anspach, 85
1000 Bruxelles

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aa-ar, atelier d’architecture alain richard




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Concept & Design : Salutpublic | Development : Bien à vous