Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures est une agence de promotion culturelle et économique des architectes de Bruxelles et de Wallonie sur la scène internationale.
Transformation and extension of a single family house in Hoeilaart
The building is located in the Groenendael district near the Station on the edge of the Sonian Forest in a beautiful natural setting. The detached house overhanging the street is overlooking a wooded green area that cannot be built. It is bordered in the back by a large garden surrounded by hundred-yearold trees. The peculiarity of this building lies in its roof with two very steep slopes (60°) which dominate the facades. Given its exceptional natural context, the idea was to link the building with its surroundings. The house was completely covered with anthrazinc (dark grey zinc) to create a high performance thermal envelope and to unify the facade and the roof. Two extensions, like frames, were built in order to connect with the surrounding landscape. These extensions to the outside have increased significantly the space on the 1 st floor and converted the space under the roof in a beautiful viewpoint.