Home News L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui special issue n°34
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www.larchitecturedaujourdhui.fr/ L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui special issue n°34
The new special issue of Architecture d'Aujourd'hui is out."Brussels is, in general, the laboratory of the European city of the future. Its ugliness, if not its disharmony, is a source of astonishing opportunities," says Kristiaan Borret, BMA bouwmeester master architect of Brussels-Capital since 2014, on the first pages of our new special issue, which presents the BMA's missions and projects on its territory.Contents: presentation of the function of Master Architect by Lisa de Visscher, editor-in-chief of the magazine A+ Architecture in Belgium; a letter to Brussels by Pascal Smet; great interview with Kristiaan Borret by Jean-Philippe Hugron; carte blanche given to architects Stéphanie Bru and Alexandre Theriot (agency Bruther), André Kempe (Atelier Kempe Thill) and Olivier Bastin (BMA from 2009 to 2014); architectural and urban interventions by BasSmets, #noAarchitecten, ergisonBates, EM2N, DDS+, Bogdan & Van Broeck, l'atelier Éole, StudioPaolaViganò, VVV Architects, 51N4E, AgwA and #Baukunst narrated by Marine de la Guerrande; as well as an afterword signed by Maurice Culot