Home Fleche-texte-grisNews Fleche-texte-gris Travelling exhibition: Interiors. Notes and Figures in Toulouse
Publication date

19/03/2015 - 25/04/2015

Travelling exhibition: Interiors. Notes and Figures in Toulouse

The travelling exhibition Interiors. Notes and Figures is in the line of the research elaborated by the curatorial team of the Belgian Pavilion at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale. It will be presented at the Centre Meridional d'Architecture of Toulouse from March 19th to April 25th 2015. On this occasion, the curatorial team will give a lecture at the Ecole d'Architecture of Toulouse.
Focusing on the home, Interiors. Notes and Figures records and analyzes the domestic landscapes that result from this process of transformation. The curatorial team spent five months taking thousands of photographs of home interiors throughout Belgium. The study attempts to devise a vocabulary and to reveal the attitudes that, beyond pure form, allow us to define a culture that is specific to these transformations. The photos, notes and figures have been collated in a catalogue, resembling a manual, that will be published at the opening of the pavilion.
The exhibition gives to see this archives, which consists of more than 1247 pictures taken in 256 visits. Beyond the presentation of those documents, the exhibition testifies of the work of analysis made to produce the publication Interiors. Notes and Figures.
The exhibition places the observation and the interpretation at the heart of the architectural design.
Curators: Sébastien Martinez Barat, Bernard Dubois, Sarah Levy, Judith Wielander
Photographer: Maxime Delvaux
Collaborators: Benjamin Lafore, Sophie Dars, Mathieu Berger
Graphic design: Gregory Dapra, Laure Giletti



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