- PublicationsCollection « Visions. Architectures publiques », n° 12, 2017 Languages : FR - EN Pages: 120 Format: 17,2 x 21,5Sous la direction de
Chantal Dassonville et Maurizio CohenPrice
19 €ISBN
978-2-930705-23-1Distributor Belgium
www.adybooks.comDistributor Europe
www.r-diffusion.orgPublished on 11/07/2017
Visions: Arsonic
The VISIONS. Architectures publiques collection arose from the wish to promote public architecture in Wallonia and Brussels by developing the connections that architecture maintains with photography and writing. It offers up an approach to the different aspects of architectural language: the eye of a photographer, the perception of a writer, the testimony of the user, the critique of a specialist, the conversation with the designers, i.e. so many entry points that are open to anyone according to his or her individual experience or preference. Since 2002 the collection has been edited at the rate of one publication a year or once every two years.
This 12th publication of the collection is dedicated to Arsonic designed by Holoffe&Vermeersch.
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