- PublicationsLangague : FR Pages : 103 Format : 245 x 285 cmSous la direction de
la Ville de Mons, Xavier Roland et Camille BrasseurPrice
978-2-930391-45-8Distributor Belgium
ADYBOOKSPublished on 07/03/2013
Mons, 6 museum sites
© WBA Within the framework of 2015, Mons, European Capital of Culture, the City will open six new museum sites. It has entrusted the mission of sublimating six emblematic locations from the history of Mons to architects and renowned specialists. The belfry and the neolithic mines at Spiennes, as well as the Doudou (the myth of Saint George and the Dragon) installed in the Mont-de-Piété, all three classified as world heritage sites by UNESCO, will highlight their history through centres of interpretation. The Ursuline Chapel will accommodate the Artothèque, the Water Machine, the Centre of Interpretation of Military History and the Maison Jean Lescarts, the Historium. This book enhances this rich and diversified heritage, as well as the city's new cultural policy, through a diversity of topics and illustrations.
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