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Published on 25/08/2011
Belgian Spirit at Hong Kong
Belgium is organising Belgian Spirit: a promotional campaign highlighting the very best that Belgian architecture, design and fashion have to offer at the Business of Design Week in Hong Kong (BoDW) set to be held from 26 November until 11 December 2011.
This campaign, in which the WBA is a partner, shall take on the form of an interactive installation, bolstered by an economic trade mission aimed at stepping up the presence of these three sectors on the Chinese market.
Belgian Spirit - Curators
Li Mei Tsien limei.tsien@b612.be
Sébastien Cruyt sebastien.cruyt@synergy-international.com
Marie Pok marie@best.beDocuments
2011_HK_BoDW_-_mailing_mission_economique_WBDM_Awex.pdfInscription mission économique
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20 - 30/11/2024Published on 28/10/2024
Inventaires#4 à Paris
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la présentation de l'ouvrage Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles Inventaires #4, Vers une démarche architecturale [...]