
Renovation and extension of the former municipal house of Vaux-sous-Chèvremont.


Atelier d'Architecture AIUD


Administration des affaires sociales et salle polyvalente 


The project aims to renovate the former municipal house of Vaux-sous-Chèvremont following the 2021 floods, to construct a new extension to accommodate all the offices of the social affairs administration, and to add a small multipurpose room for the neighborhood. Located in a park, this urban and temporal landmark deserves to have its architectural integrity preserved from the main entrance of the park. Therefore, we will insulate it from the inside using lime-hemp blocks. Furthermore, our adaptive reuse approach is to preserve the existing structure as much as possible. We have retained the general organization of the building, its load-bearing walls, floors, and wooden staircase. The quality finishes that could be preserved have been. This was made possible by a meticulous analysis of the building's structural condition and in-depth dialogue with fire prevention services. A lightweight elevator is integrated to make it accessible to everyone. The extension will be planned on the opposite side of the main facade and will aim, through its composition, to offer the appearance of a contemporary face, rather than that of a rear annex. The building will thus present, like Janus, two faces: a city side and a park side. A terrace accompanies the entrance on the park side. A very thin horizontal covering element provides a volumetric unity to the ground floor of the extension. It also serves as rain protection and acts as a sunshade for the large south-facing window of the small multipurpose room. For this project, we have applied the DNSH principle as much as possible: preservation of the existing structure, bio-based insulation, green roofs, and wooden joinery

Public et communautaire
En construction
Year of conception
Year of delivery
Commune de Chaudfontaine
Total budget
1 885 728,21 €
Per m² budget
Constructed area
365 m²/surface plancher800 m² m2


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Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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