Home Fleche-texte-grisPublications Fleche-texte-gris Guides to Modern and Contemporary Architecture, 6
Languages : FR-DE
Pages : 496
Format : 17 x 24 cm

Under the supervision of
Thomas Moor - Norbert Nelles - Emeline Curien

Cellule architecture

Graphic design
L'Atelier graphique - David Cauwe

Public price
35 €


Belgium distribution
European distribution

Guides to Modern and Contemporary Architecture, 6

Verviers, Spa, East Belgium, Pays de Herve & Ambl?ve Valley 1868 -2022

Guides to Modern and Contemporary Architecture, 6
Guides to Modern and Contemporary Architecture, 6

This sixth guide to modern and contemporary architecture dedicated to Verviers, Spa, Amblève Valley, Pays de Herve & Amblève Valley encourages to look at architecture differently through a selection of 479 projects located on maps, commented by 115 authors and illustrated by more than one thousand photographs and six hundred plans. These projects are the result of modernity revisited in each era by architects, from Art Nouveau to the present day: modest programmes or large-scale achievements, private commissions and public buildings.

This volume is produced in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Liège (ULg) and with the support of the School of Architecture of Nancy (Laboratory of History of Contemporary Architecture) under the direction of Norbert Nelles and Émeline Curien. Marc Wendelski is the author of the photographic commission.

Cities and towns covered: Amblève, Aubel, Baelen, Bullange, Burg-Reuland, Bütgenbach, Dison, Eupen, Herve, Jalhay, La Calamine, Lierneux, Limbourg, Lontzen, Malmédy, Olne, Pepinster, Plombières, Raeren, Saint-Vith, Spa, Stavelot, Stoumont, Theux, Thimister-Clermont, Trois-Ponts, Verviers, Waimes, Welkenraedt.




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