Home Fleche-texte-grisPublications Fleche-texte-gris entrer: Catalogue
Languages: FR - EN
Pages: 208
Format: 20 x 27

Under the supervision of
Audrey Contesse

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Cellule Architecture - Wallonie-Bruxelles International

Pierre Chabart, Asli Çiçek, Francesco Della Casa, Phineas Harper et Sebastian Redecke

Graphic design
Grégory Dapra et Laure Giletti

Public price
20 €


Belgium distribution
MDS Benelux

European distribution

entrer: Catalogue

Cover entrer:
Cover entrer:

The exhibition entrer: and its catalogue invite visitors and readers to take a stroll through the traces of five committed architecture projects that have recently left their mark on the Belgian landscape. There is a former chapel that houses the reserve collections of the museums of the city of Mons, a sports centre that has redrawn a landscape in Spa, an industrial conversion that reinforced the centre of Dison, a footbridge that transformed a public space in Brussels, and a garden pavilion in Renaix that articulates a professional kitchen and an art collection.

Five international critics – Pierre Chabard, Asli Çiçek, Francesco Della Casa, Phineas Harper and Sebastian Redecke – accepted to join in the stroll, using it as a tool by which to grasp and analyse these projects.
In parallel to these essays, in-depth interviews with the architects behind these projects – Atelier Gigogne+L'Escaut, Baukunst, Baumans-Deffet, MSA + Ney & Partners and Vers.A – shed light on their positions, approach and specific practices.
Each project is illustrated by a succession of full-page photographs, like archi- tectural sequences identified and recorded by Maxime Delvaux.
Critical essays, interviews and flip books form five triptychs for another take on these architectures.



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