- ActionsDate de l'événement
10/10 - 05/11/2024Site Internet
Published on 04/10/2024
Cities Connection Project#7 in Girona
The Cities Connection Project #7 Architectures in transition - Reuse of built heritage and social responsibility exhibition will be on show at Girona's COAC from October 10 to November 5 2024.
The principle is simple: twenty recent urban projects from a mix of programs (housing, schools, cultural centers, leisure centers, public spaces, green spaces...) in each of the featured regions - La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Catalonia, Grand-Duché du Luxembourg/Grand Est - are presented in an exhibition.
The seventh edition of CCP seeks to bring together these projects of transitional architecture, quality architecture that favors the reuse of existing spaces, the reuse of materials, sustainable construction systems and materials, energy-efficient new-build buildings and mixed-use programs that in some way contribute to grouping activities without dispersing them, while promoting the well-being of users.
The presentation of this exhibition will be the occasion for an inaugural conference on October 10 and a finissage on November 5 – the occation for Hubert Lionnez from Karbon to give a lecture.
- ActionsDate de l'événement
5/12/2024Published on 28/10/2024
A vos agendas ! Cities Connection Project #7 à Bruxelles
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de l’exposition Cities Connection Project qui aura lieu le 5 décembre 2024 à 20h30 à la Faculté d [...]