- ActionsDate de l'événement
08/07/21 - 29/07/21Site Internet
Published on 12/06/2021
Exhibition Cities Connection in Vilnius
© WBA After Brussels in October 2018, Barcelona in April 2019, Tarragona in September-November 2019, Lugano from November 2019 to February 2020, and Bordeaux in 2021, Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures presents the Import WB_Export BCN exhibition. Re-activate the city, curated by Nicola Regusci and Xavier Bustos, in Vilnius from 8th to 29th July 2021.
Convinced by the format of the exhibition, our local partner Architectüros Fondas wanted to increase the exhibition by including 14 local projects.
The inaugural conference will take place on 8th July 2021. Three architects will present their project: one for the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, one for Catalonia and one for Vilnius.
This event will take place at the Pasaka Theater.
The exhibition will be presented in the public space in 3 places, each of them dedicated to one of the partner cities.
The Vilnius part is located in Paupio st. and Aukštaičių st. square, the Wallonia-Brussels part is located in Aukštaičių st. 16 and the Barcelona part in Aukštaičių st.
An other event on the same format is also planned for 22nd July 2021.
The 14 works chosen from Lithuania
- Paupys Home of Business-Audrius Ambrasas Architects
- Residential Quarter Rasu House-Palekas+Plazma
- Vainiai Palace Rehabilitation"Senatorių pasažas"-DO architects
- Naugarduko Street-DO architects
- SODAS 2123-Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture
- Center for Civil education - Processoffice
- Vilniaus Tech Park+ Miesto laboratorija -A2SM Architects+Miesto laboratorija
- Children 's Education Center-Kūnas
- Patilte- Andrius Labašauskas and Rytis Urbanskas
- Beepart-Simonas LiūgaandAndrius Ciplijauskas
- Raugyklos st. 3-Aketuri architektai
- VU Botanical Garden Laboratory Building Reconstruction-Palekas
- Terrace-Audrius Ambrasas Architects
- Ogmios City Public Space Conversion-DO architects
The 20 selected projects in Brussels and Wallonia
- MSA/V+ - Logements sociaux Navez Portaels - Bruxelles
- V+/Rotor - Centre de la mode et du Design - Bruxelles
- AIUD - Préhistomuseum - Flémalle
- a practice.- Place de Molenbeek - Bruxelles
- De Visscher_Coton_Lelion_Nottebaert_Vincentelli - Keramis – Centre de la céramique- La Louvière
- Aurélie Hachez - L'Ermitage - Bruxelles
- Réservoir A - Centre de distribution urbaine - Charleroi
- Vers A - Taqui - Equipement polyvalent - Anderlecht
- Mamout/LD2/Stéphanie Willocx - Charles Malis, reconversion d'une fabrique de cigarettes en administration communale - Bruxelles
- ADN - Loft FOR- Bruxelles
- Specimen - INQ, logements - Namur
- Ledroit-Pierret-Polet - Jourdan - Bruxelles
- AGWA–Metal, transformation d’un ancien garage en salle de sport, école de devoirs et logements - Bruxelles
- Baukunst - Centre Adeps, La Fraineuse - Spa
- Multiple - Gare - Herstal
- LRArchitectes - Ecole primaire - Assesse
- OUEST - Atelier Claus - Bruxelles
- Binario - Centre d’accueil des visiteurs, Moulin de l’abbaye - Villers la Ville
- A229 - Ecole ITP - Court Saint Etienne
- Label - Ecole Riva Bella - Braine L’Alleud
The 20 works chosen from Spain
- Escola Ressol la Remunta. L’Hospitalet (2014). Baas arquitectura
- Nova sala Beckett. Barcelona (2016). Flores-Prats arquitectes
- Centre mixte d’equipaments Vil·La Urània. Barcelona (2017). Sumo arquitectura
- Complex equipaments i habitatges alchemika. Barcelona (2013). Oliveras Boix arquitectes
- Escola els encants. Barcelona (2015). Roger Méndez_Amb
- Reforma i ampliació de l’ateneu popular 9 barris. Barcelona (2012). Fornari-Rojas
- Edifici mixte d’habitatges i allotjaments temporals. Barcelona (2018). Coll-Leclerc
- Galeria Carles Taché. Barcelona (2015). Jorge Vidal
- Escola de teatre el timbal. Barcelona (2015). Lacol
- Ampliació escola Sant Jordi . Vilanova I La Geltrú (2015).Aixopluc, Alex Gallego, Jordi Adell, Gerard Puig
- Ludoteca i cetre de recursos educatius ciutat Vella. Barcelona (2011). T9s arquitectes
- Espais la seca. Barcelona (2011). Meritxell Inaraja
- Centre comunitari el roure. Begues (2014). Calderon-Folch
- Centre cívic lleialtat santsenca. Barcelona (2017). H arquitectes
- Punt d’informació turística a les glòries (2015). Peris-Toral
- Centre cívic baró de viver. Barcelona (2015). Territori 24
- Equipaments i mercat del guinardó.Barcelona (2016). Bayona-Valero / Cantallops-Vicente
- Ressò_reacció_espai de trobada i regeneració. Rubí (2016). Col·lectiu de joves arquitectes etsav
- Carrer-plaça Marià Lavèrnia. Barcelona (2017). Bosch-Capdeferro
- Actions
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