
LUCA - Luxembourg Center for Architecture
1, rue de la Tour Jacob
1831 Luxembourg

Published on 20/12/2024

Architects meet Architects : Cities Connection – Luxemburg

luca ccp
© Pancake!Photographie

As part of the vernissage of the exhibition "Cities Connection Project 07. Architectures in Transition: reuse of built heritage and social responsibility", LUCA is inviting three architectural practices from the three of the regions represented in the exhibition — Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Grand-East and Wallonia-Brussels — to present their work and discuss it with their Luxembourg colleagues.

Cities Connection Project aims to establish a dialogue between European cities/regions chosen for the quality of their architectural works. For this 7th edition “Architectures in Transition”, the curators have selected 20 projects from Barcelona Metropolitan Area, 20 projects from Wallonia-Brussels, and 20 projects half from Grand-East region and half from Luxembourg. The exhibition will provide a platform for dialogue between Luxembourg architects and their European colleagues.

The exhibition in Luxembourg is organised by Cities Connection Project,  in collaboration Wallonie Bruxelles Architectures and LUCA. 

The Luxembourg participation is supported by OAI – Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils and Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg.



17h30 — Exhibition doors open 

18h30 — Lecture ‘Architects meet Architects’

  • Language : EN / FR
  • Speakers
    • Claudi Aguiló, architect, DATAAE (Barcelona)
    • Christophe Aubertin & Aurélie Husson, architects, Studiolada (Nancy)
    • Bertrand Evrats, architect and director, He Architectes (Liège)
  • Moderation
    • Mathias Fritsch, architect and partner, BFF… (Luxembourg)
    • Sala Makumbundu, architects and managing partner, CBA Architects (Luxembourg)

20h00 — Drinks & Food




Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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