- Actions
Published on 20/01/2025
Open call for projects and actions
Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles 2023-2026 Inventories #5
© ICA How has your spatial practice provided a relevant response to current societal, economic and environmental issues? How can we provide a benevolent living environment in today's society characterised by risk and limits?
If architecture is to meet current and future environmental challenges, it must transform our living environment holistically.
Based on the principle that building culture, both material and immaterial, is everyone's business, from users to contractors to experts, Inventories #5 2023-26 is interested in built projects, competitions, research, events and actions by citizens, architects, landscape architects, artists, urban planners, sociologists, activists and so on, whether they take place in an urban environment or in a rural one, whatever their scale, and provided that they come from project leaders of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.The aim is to gather together all the spatial approaches that have a positive impact on our built and non-built environment, because it is a question here of taking into consideration contemporary architectural culture in all its depth.
The editorial committee will select from this production current architectural themes and issues that go beyond Belgian borders, and will present the most specific responses formulated by an anthology of spatial practices developed in Wallonia and Brussels. The editorial project will take the form of a publication and an exhibition to be presented from spring 2026.
Initiated in 2010 by the Cellule architecture of FW-B and the export agency WBA (Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures), the Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles Inventaires # Inventories collection aims to draw up a portrait of recent architecture in Wallonia and Brussels every three years. Since 2020, with Inventories #4 2020-23. Towards a regenerative approach to architecture, the ICA has been in charge of the collection, both coordinating the work and the related exhibitions. The collection is published by the Cellule architecture and promoted internationally by Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures.
If you want to submit your architecture, landscape or urban planning project completed between January 2023 and April 2026, [click here]. Architects, if you have already entered projects completed between 2023 and 2026 on your WBA profile, simply complete the ‘Inventories#5’ tab visible on your project to apply easily! For the others, simply create a project file.
If you want to submit your action, research etc. finalised between January 2023 and April 2026, [click here]
Completing the forms takes around ten minutes.
- ActionsDate de l'événement
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