- News
Published on 21/03/2025
TAKTIK in Vienna
Book launch Landscape Architecture Europe#7
© WBA On 20 March at 4pm, Boku University will be hosting the presentation of the book Landscape Architecture Europe. Taktyk Brussels-Tropics will be taking the opportunity to present its approach to landscape design ‘After the party, designing in a time of scarcity’
The seventh edition of the three-year series Landscape Architecture Europe presents landscape architecture as an activity in the service of life and its intrinsic beauty. Issue 7 of Landscape Architecture Europe presents 42 living projects, built or designed, long-term or temporary, selected from proposals from all over Europe. Accompanied by insightful essays and inspiring portraits, this richly illustrated publication shows how to design for diversity and manage surprise and uncertainty.
Landscape Architecture Europe #7: Full of Life
Editorial Committee
Lisa Diedrich, Sonia Curnier, Anaïs Leger-Smith, Claudia Moll
Daphne de Bruijn (design and desk editing), Harry Harsema, Blauwdruk Publishers
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
03/04/2025Published on 21/03/2025
Chaque année, la Conférence commémorative David Skinner rend hommage à un cabinet ou un praticien reconnu en architecture de paysage, dont le travail [...]Conférence
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
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Communa à la TU Delft
Le 14 mars, le symposium « Temporary Use and Commons in Real Estate Management » (Utilisation temporaire et biens communs dans la gestion immobilière) [...]Conférence