- Architects
Atelier Chora
- Description
Thanks to a continuous thought, the Atelier wants to create links between « research and emotion » - « technique and poetry » - « performance and softness ».
From the beginning, our architectural production is guided by the words : beauty, inspiration, magic, fascination, joy, as well as the concepts of serenity, silence, privacy and surprise… but as Luis Barragan said, « … we are well aware of not always having them enhanced enough », but we try to get there…
Founded back in 2007, our team is compounded by 6 architects. The Atelier is the result of the complementary nature between people with different sensitivities and concerns, who work together to improve the quality, the intensity and the rightness of their realizations.
Worried about the problematic of energy production and consumption, we lead researches and feasability studies.
Pragmatic, we are constantly in touch with artisans and technical advisers who guide us in order to use materials and matters in the propest way. The research goes through the construction of prototypes with various scales, on the building site or in a workshop.
Our work, permanently disputed on the way to build and consume space and energy, tends to a personal answer for each project.
- Creation
- 2007
- Associates
Emeric Marchal
- Collaborators
Tonin Tricot - Architecte collaborateur
Charlotte Demblon - Architecte collaboratrice
Jérôme Beaujean - Architecte collaborateur
Romain Defrang - Architecte collaborateur
Xavier Delanève - Architecte collaborateur
Simon Ancion - Architecte collaborateurNicola Galiotto - Architecte collaborateur
Jessica Vanden Borre - Architecte collaboratrice
Nicolas Chonville - Architecte stagiaire
- Publications
Publications / Specialized press:
- Revue A+ n°303 / “On Campus”: / publication of the competition for the Faculty of Architecture of ULiège » / 2023
- TAR#8 ICA WB / “Reappropriations” / publication of the OM Musical Complex / 2023
- Inventory#4 ICA WB / “Towards a regenerative architectural approach” / publication of the OM Musical Complex / Book / 2023
- A+ / “Composing with the existing: Faculty of Architecture of ULiège” / 2023
- atelierchora - collection 2002-2022 / Book / 2022
- Architrave n°213 / “CINETiquE and Léona Platel school” / 2022
- Guide to modern and contemporary architecture of Verviers, Spa and Ostbelgien / Book / publication of 2 projects / 2022
- WBA / Directory / publication of 5 projects / 2022
- Architrave n°194 / “The Air Pur School” / 2018
- MHiN - Natural History Museum / “Château de Chevetogne” / 2017
- Architectura / “At Sart-Tilman, a welcoming building for the ULg” / 2016
- Revue A+ n°254 / “Winner for the “OM” performance hall in Seraing” / 2015
- Guide to modern and contemporary architecture 1895-2014. Liège / Work / Presentation of 3 projects / 2014
- Les Cahiers de l’urbanisme / “Urban renovation: Presentation of the Commissariat du Pairay” / 2014
- SPW 88 / “Les Cahiers nouvelles - Political discourse and regional planning” / 2014
- Archibois / “Small house at the back of the main house” / 2012
- Architrave - 174 / “The architrave guest” / 2012
- Wood architecture notebook / “Bois et Habitat asbl Namur” / 2011
Exhibitions :
- ICA WB exhibition “Reappropriations” - Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium / OM musical complex / 2023
- ULiège exhibition - “Building Pedagogy: 5 winners of the architecture competition” - Liège, Belgium / Extension project for the Liège Faculty of Architecture / 2023
- Venice Biennale 2023 - “Towards a regenerative architectural approach” - Venice, Italy / OM musical complex / 2023
- International MIPIM 2022 - Cannes, France / 300 student accommodations in the Trasenster park / 2022
- Salon des Mandataires 2022 - Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium / Modave school project exhibited / 2022
- Exhibition day “Inauguration of the City of Seraing and Police Zone buildings / Presentation of the work of the workshop” - Seraing, Belgium / 2015
- Exhibition day “Inauguration of the Namêche school / Presentation of the work of the workshop” - Namêche, Belgium / 2015
- AWEX Exhibition - Doha, Qatar / Presentation of the work of the workshop / 2012

Thier des Critchons 18
4032 Chênée (Liège)
Tél : +32 42 22 21 32
- Transformation of Flémalle train station into a tourist office, a station point and three flats2021 – 2024Flémalle
- Polyvalent Hall Clavier 2020 – 2024Clavier
- Renovation of the OM's musical complex 2014 – 2021Seraing
- School in Vierset2016 – 2021Modave
- Community hall in Ellemelle2016 – 2021Ouffet