


Bento is an association of architects that puts the experimentation of matter at the centre of its reflections. Living material questions the sustainability of our current production methods and their impact on our way of life. Starting from this observation and/or this obligation, Bento's architects make a point of exalting it, of going beyond it, to build a bridge between architecture, art and design.
Bento started its activities in 2020. Initially, three friends, Charles, Florian and François - who recently left - graduated from the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta in Brussels, who wanted to continue the adventure together, after their studies. 
Firstly, the work was based on experimentation and the search for natural/live materials, notably mycelium to produce bricks, panels and furniture. Corentin joined the team later and added his knowledge of earth construction, acquired in particular at the CRAterre laboratory in Grenoble - specialised in raw earth construction - with the same logic, material and architecture feeding each other, while experimenting with materials and designing the project.
From now on, Bento's ambition is to spatialize and concretize his first research and discoveries, relying on other actors from different disciplines, in projects of architecture, installation, furniture...


Corentin Dalon
Florian Mahieu
Charles Palliez
François Willemarck (passive partner)



- Exhibition and Conference during the Fact Sahel+ in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - Project "Xewa Sowé", Children's Centre, Benin, in collaboration with L'Harmattan architecture (Arianna Fabrizi de Biani and Doryan Kuschner) 

- Finalist Terra Fibra Award 2021 - Project "Xewa Sowé", Children's Centre, Benin, in collaboration with L'Harmattan architecture (Arianna Fabrizi de Biani and Doryan Kuschner) + exhibition of the award at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris, France

- Finalist Green Solutions Award 2021 in the category "Energy and Warm Climate" - Project "Xewa Sowé", Children's Centre, Benin, in collaboration with L'Harmattan architecture (Arianna Fabrizi de Biani and Doryan Kuschner)

- Nominated for the European Architecture Prize Philippe Rotthier "Genius Loci" + Exhibition of the prize at the Ixelles Museum, Brussels, Belgium

- Winner of the Europan 16 competition, CIVA site, Brussels - "Architecture Center for regenerative materials 


- Co-curator, with the philosopher Vinciane Despret, of the Belgian pavilion "In Vivo" ) at the Venice Architecture Biennale



- Xewa Sowé" project, children's centre, Benin, in collaboration with L'Harmattan architecture (Arianna Fabrizi de Biani and Doryan Kuschner): Publication in "Manuale di Costruzioni sostenibili" by Michele Todisco and Frencesco Poli, Editions Energitec, Italy 


Xewa Sowé" project, children's centre, Benin, in collaboration with L'Harmattan architecture (Arianna Fabrizi de Biani and Doryan Kuschner): Publication in "Terrafibra architectures" by Dominique Gauzin-Muller and Aurélie Vissac, Editions du pavillon de l'Arsenal, France

- Architecture Center for regenerative materials", published in the Europan 16 catalogue


- Demeurer en mycélium", Vinciane Despret & Bento, Christine Aventin and Juliette Salme, official catalogue of the Belgian pavilion "In Vivo", Venice Architecture Biennale, Editions de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Belgium

© Bento

Rue des Tanneurs 133-135
1000 Bruxelles





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Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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