
MDW Architecture


In architectural design, there is a need "to do", associating reflection with production. In every instance, this is the idea that drives our practice founded by Marie Moignot and Xavier De Wil in 2001, and joined by Laurent Liefooghe as artistic director in 2012.

Our team, composed of twenty-five collaborators, is organised into small groups, with complementary experiences and skills. Like a workshop, we gather around objects, models and drawings, to design by doing. We are very attached to this horizontal and open production.

It is over the years, through several key stages of the company's life, that our way of designing architecture has been shaped. For example, the Savonnerie Heymans project, delivered in 2011, already hinted at some of our future main reflections. The collaboration with Ateliers Jean Nouvel for the Charleroi Police Station project and the extension of the choreographic centre "Charleroi Danse", finalised in 2014, was another step forward for the office to enrich its perspectives, by working on a mixed and highly complex programme. The Terre-Neuve sports hall project, delivered in 2023, gave us the opportunity to meet the city, not as an institution but as an urban entity. Finally, the project of the new RTBF headquarters (delivered in 2025) - as part of the transformation of the Mediapark site - also allowed the office to work on an intricate programme, focused on flexible workspaces and sustainability. This particular project led to a fruitful collaboration with the office V+ Architecture, enriching our respective architectural practices.

Our experience is rich of many years of practice, and our ambition is to perfect our architectural responses by pursuing this perpetual research, allowing us to meet our future challenges and opportunities.


Marie Moignot
Xavier De Wil


Executive Committee
Marie Moignot, Xavier De Wil, Laurent Liefooghe, Katia Goyens de Heusch

Alexandre Olivier, Alyssa Longchamps, Céline Bertrand, Kristof Keerman, Laia Boloix, Martin Callewaert, Nicolo De Paoli, Sebastien Fosseprez, Sebastiano Manservisi, Thibault Van Honacker, Yvan Breithof, Géraldine Molia, Malou Eude, Thierry Henrard, Thomas Wojcik, Sophie Remy





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Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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Concept & Design : Salutpublic | Développement : Bien à vous