- NewsDate de l'événement
28//06 - 22/09/2024Site Internet
Published on 28/06/2024
EUMies Awards 2024 exhibition in Madrid
The exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024, presented in Barcelona last May, begins its journey and makes its first stop at La Casa de la Arquitectura in Madrid.
If you are in Madrid between June 28 and September 22, you have the opportunity to learn in detail - with models, videos, photographs and texts - the 40 works that the jury selected as representatives of the best European architecture of the last two years.This is an opportunity to (re)discover the four projects submitted by Belgian offices and included in this exhibition:
- Amal Amjahid - Community installation along the canal in Molenbeek by &bogdan
- Fire station, multi-purpose and emergency space by SNCDA
- FLOW - Outdoor swimming pool by Pool is Cool and Decoratelier Jozef Wouters
- Het Steen by noAarchitecte
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
2-12/12Published on 04/12/2024
Exposition EUMies Awards 2024 à Zagreb
Après Barcelone Madrid, Buenos Aires et Vienne, l'exposition du Prix de l'Union européenne pour l'architecture contemporaine - Prix Mies van der Rohe [...]
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
04/12/2024 - 28/02/2025Published on 25/11/2024
Vanden Eeckhoudt – Creyf : exposition en Allemagne
Le projet Angleterre-Hollande réalisé par le bureau bruxellois Vanden Eeckhoudt – Creyf sera présentée le cadre d’une exposition sur le logement [...]