- News
Published on 19/03/2016
Ney & Partners: projects in Luxembourg and in the UK
Ney & Partners has started to work on the enlargement works of the Grand-Duchess Charlotte Bridge (The Red Bridge) in Luxembourg. Amongst them the production of the guard-rail. In January a 5m long mockup was approved and used as a support to test the lighting system. Fabrication will commence in March with installation proceeding in the months thereafter.Ney & Partners, in association with William Matthews Associates, has just won a competition regarding the bridge site of Castle King Arthur, Tintagel (UK). The new footbridge will improve access to the island and help visitors to better understand the sites’s history. The project is expected to be completed by spring 2019. The design of the footbridge is based on a simple concept of recreating the link that once existed an crossed the present void. The harmonius integration of the new bridge into the landscape was one of the biggest concerns. The design has to be of our time, but also needs a certain timeless quality. It has to reflect the rugged nature of the surrounding landscape, the fragility of the historic remains and the local ecology.
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
2-12/12Published on 04/12/2024
Exposition EUMies Awards 2024 à Zagreb
Après Barcelone Madrid, Buenos Aires et Vienne, l'exposition du Prix de l'Union européenne pour l'architecture contemporaine - Prix Mies van der Rohe [...]
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
04/12/2024 - 28/02/2025Published on 25/11/2024
Vanden Eeckhoudt – Creyf : exposition en Allemagne
Le projet Angleterre-Hollande réalisé par le bureau bruxellois Vanden Eeckhoudt – Creyf sera présentée le cadre d’une exposition sur le logement [...]