- News
Published on 12/12/2013
Ney & Partners Japan wins competition Dejima Bridge, Nagasaki
© Ney & partners Dejima is an artificial island founded and built in 1636. Japanese and Western knowledge, culture and products entered into contact with each other via the trade post by the Dutch East Indian Company.The city of Nagasaki is preparing Dejima's nomination for the world heritage list UNESCO. In 2036 the island has to be again in its original spatial situation. As preface, the city has organized a competition for a new bridge between the island and the mainland.Ney & Partners Japan conceived a 40m long steel pedestrian bridge with a wooden deck. Constructive simplicity was key in the design concept. The bridge is clamped at the main land abutment, and works as cantilever, on the side of Dejima, to avoid large foundations on the Dejima side of the bridge.Oriental Consultant and Eau-landscape design are the Japanese partners for this project. For the city of Nagasaki the construction of the bridge is of large cultural importance.
- Actualités
Published on 04/03/2025
Pour favoriser la découverte de l’œuvre de Louis Bosny, l’association La Première Rue propose de créer une version itinérante de l’exposition UNE [...]Itinérance à la Cité Radieuse Le Corbusier de Briey-en-Forêt
- Actualités
Published on 20/02/2025
Baukunst à Barcelone
Le jeudi 20 février à 19 heures aura lieu la quatrième séance du cycle de conférences « Europe, Europe » organisée par le COAC de Barcelone, qui vise [...]Conférence