- NewsDate de l'événement
24/09 - 25/05/2020Site Internet
Published on 16/09/2020
Pierre Hebbelinck: Nevers
The architect from Liège, Pierre Hebbelinck, is taking part in a round table discussion on the different architectural professions as part of the Architecture and Heritage Week. Set up for the first time in 2004, the Architecture and Heritage Week is a highlight of the Nancy National School of Architecture. It will take place on Wednesday 23rd September at 6.30 pm at the Church of Saint Bernadette du Banlay in Nevers.
The speakers will be :
- Thierry Larrière, Architect of Bâtiments de France de la Nièvre,
- Pierre Janin, Consulting Architect
- Catherine Aubel, Landscape Designer-Consultant
- Axel Thieulin, Project Manager for Territorial Advice to DDT 58
- Gérard Fontaine, Director of CAUE 58
- Pierre Hebbelinck, Belgian architect and sponsor of the 2020 edition of SAP
This round table will take the form of exchanges around respective practices in a question-and-answer format.
On Thursday 24th September at 7pm, Pierre Hebbelinck will give a lecture entitled Contre les racines at the Maison de la Culture in Nevers. Finally, he will give a public reading on Friday 25 September at 6 pm at the Librairie Le Cyprès.
Affiche_P.Hebbelinck_V4__1_.pdfAffiche_Pierre Hebbelinck
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
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