- NewsDate de l'événement
23 - 29/11/2024Site Internet
Published on 10/10/2024
Screening of In Vivo in Brazil
© WBA The faculties of architecture in Brasilia, São Paulo (FAU USP) and Rio de Janeiro (FAU/UFRJ), in collaboration with the IAB in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, have decided to organise a screening of the film In Vivo directed by Mister Emma, and which portrays the young architecture collective Bento Architecture as they build the Belgian pavilion with mycelium at the Venice Biennale 2023.
These screening events will be followed by a meeting with the director, and in São Paulo and Brasilia they will also be an opportunity to attend a conference by Belgian architect Sebastian Moreno-Vacca (A2M) in and around the Princely Economic Mission Belgium - Brazil, which will take place from 23 to 29 November 2024.
With one year to go to the COP in Belem, this event is taking on a very important educational and information dimension, and the contribution of the director to the screening is vital to raising awareness of his work and the ideas he conveys through his creations.
Screening dates
- Brasilia: Friday 22 November
- São Paulo: Monday 25 November
- Rio de Janeiro: during the week of 2 December
With the support of WBI.
- Actualités
Published on 20/02/2025
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- Actualités
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