- NewsDate de l'événement
10/05/2024Published on 03/05/2024
Pierre Hebbelinck in Turin
Pierre Hebbelinck has been invited to give a lecture in Turin on 10 May at 2.30pm.
Entitled The silent conflict. Actors and processes in heritage projects, it will look at the architecture and the political and administrative management of memory through heritage authorities in Europe and Latin America, through specific projects by the Atelier Hebbelinck.
Lecture introduced by Matteo Robiglio and with Francesca Frassoldati and Manuela Mattone.
At 5pm, he will don his publisher's hat and give a talk at the Biblioteca Centrale di Ingegneria, Sede Centrale - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, entitled Why continue to produce books on architecture? Editions Fourre-Tout and a book project on the writings of Carlo Mollino. Speakers: Pierrre Hebbelinck (Atelier d'Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck / Editions Fourre-Tout, Liège) - Napoleone Ferrari (Museo Casa Mollino, Turin) - Matteo Robiglio (Politecnico di Torino).