- PublicationsLanguage: FR Pages: 288, hardcover Format: 16.5 x 33Sous la direction de
Pierre HebbelinckPublisher
35 €ISBN
978-2-930525-26-6Published on 01/04/2024
Une sobriété Créative — Louis Bosny, architecte. 1924 – 1983
© WBA Louis Bosny was an architect committed to social construction: social housing, hospitals and basic schools. Architect Jean Michel Degraeve has immersed himself in his life and gained access to archives that have enabled him to trace the history of an era, the singularity of a discreet man and his conceptual thinking translated into sober but creative architecture. The book is accompanied by two young photographers, Naef Hazimeh and Robin Nissen, who produce direct, sensitive black-and-white work on all these subjects. The afterword is by architect Georges-Eric Lantair.This edition was produced by Editions Fourre-Tout, with the support of the Cellule architecture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures (WBA).With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
- PublicationsSous la direction de
Pierrick de StexheAuteur
Pierrick de Stexhe, Marc Dubois, Jean-Marc Basyn, Jacinthe Gigou, Aurélien JacobPublished on 25/11/2024
Brutalism in Belgium
Brutalism in Belgium, le nouvel ouvrage des éditions Prisme, est consacré aux édifices brutalistes belges marquants construits entre les années 1950 [...]Un ouvrage sur les édifices menacés
- PublicationsAuteur
Eric Hennaut / Directeurs d'ouvrage: Maurizio Cohen, Véronique Boone, Benoît Moritz (Docomo)Published on 25/11/2024
Antoine Pompe
Parcours d’architectes est une collection d’ouvrages d’architecture traitant de façon monographique de l’œuvre d’architectes ayant marqué le paysage [...]Parcours d'architectes