Format : 300 pages – 215 x 315 mm
Languages: English, Franch, Dutch
Atelier Sven Beinaert
35 €
Distributor Belgium
Buchhandlung Walter König
Distributor Europe
Buchhandlung Walter König

Published on 21/02/2025

Soft Power

Soft power
© Soft power - BMa

Since 2015 and until the end of this year 2024, Kristiaan Borret is the bouwmeester master architect. To conclude this mandate, they have presented a book, edited by Jan Denoo and Hedwig van der Linden, which looks back on a period when Brussels architecture received international recognition and the way in which the city was built changed. The book shows how the city is made and lived today, looking at the formal tools and informal practices that together make up the soft power of the BMA. Like urban life in Brussels, this book embraces complexity.

The book is distributed by Walther und Franz König, and can be found on their website or in your favourite bookshops.





Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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