Date de l'événement
05/11/15 - 12/01/16 (Opening 04/11)
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Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles - 127-129, rue Saint-Martin
75004 Paris

Published on 04/01/2016

entrer: exhibition in Paris

Projects by Baukunst and MSA
© Maxime Delvaux
The exhibition entrer: presents five recent projects of architecture realized in Belgium. This exhibition is organized by Wallonia-Brussels Architectures at the Center Wallonia-Brussels in Paris.
WBA presents five projects reflecting the diversity of Wallonia and Brussels' architectural output, in an original and intriguing scenography - a wandering which will lead from the window to the lounge via chambers-: territorial setting-up, scale of the project, the diversity of generations and practices, orders and typologies, so many elements of context which testify of the know-how of the architects in front of specific situations. Audrey Contesse, the curator, invites the photographer Maxime Delvaux and a sound designer Christophe Rault to give their analysis on the five projects. Two analyses under the shape of a video and a soundtrack that are not synchronized, complete a collection of objects gleaned and selected by the curator on every sites and in the offices of the architects to highlight the materiality and the relevance of the projects.
A publication will deepen the exhibition by articles of international critics, interviews, and the presentation of the projects of the exhibition.

At the same time as the exhibition 'entrer:' a season dedicated to the contemporary Belgian architecture will take place in three phases. 

On November 5th from 9 am till 2 pm at the Wallonia-Brussels Centre

Round table moderated by Jean-Louis Violeau about the evolution of the French architectural order these last ten years.

On November 24th at 7 pm at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal

Conference at the Arsenal on the theme "How to modify the context to make it more sustainable: five Belgian examples ".

On December 10th at 7 pm at the Librairie Volume

[Exhibition from December 3rd till 31st December]

At the same time as the exhibition 'entrer:', the Librairie Volume organizes an exhibition - sale of a selection of Maxime Delvaux's pictures. A discussion will be organized between the Belgian offices presented in 'entrer: ' about the photography of architecture and its use by the architects.

The season will continue in 2016 by a series of events organized in association with Parisian schools of architectures.


- The Artothèque of Mons, in a former chapel, architects Atelier Gigogne architectures + L' Escaut|
- A sports center, the Center Adeps La Fraineuse in Spa, architect Baukunst |

- Interlac, the alliance of the culture and the trade in a former dairy to Dison, architects Baumans-Deffet
- The development into a public Place de la Cage aux ours in Brussels, the architects MSA & Ney&Partners

- M garden, the detached house of a collector in Ronse, architects Vers.A |
Press contact
Dominique du Jonchay + 33 6 16 17 11 14
The documents about the exhibition (press release, pictures...) are availaible contacting
Selection procedure
Among the 10 received proposals, the one of Audrey Contesse has been chosen by the selection Committee consisted of Aurore Boraczek (WBA), Nathalie Brison (WBA), Chantal Dassonville (FWB) Laurence Degoudenne (WBI), Cédric Libert (Curator of the exhibition (Un)City – (Un)Real State of the (Un)Known), Pierre Libioulle (AWEX), Sébastien Martinez Barat (Curator of the exhibition Interiors. Notes and Figures), Thomas Moor (FWB), Ariane Skoda (CB Paris) et Antoine Wang (Curator of the exhibtion 4836m² - Architectures Wallonia-Brussels Inventories#1).



Invitation vernissage / opening


Communique de presse


Dossier de presse


Press file


Technical information




Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Brussels

+32 2 421 83 64

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