- News
Published on 28/01/2025
Earth, Wind & Water Elisabeth Terrisse de Botton & Matthieu Brasebin
The project “Earth, Wind and Water” raises a major issue for the city of Makarska, as in many other coastal cities of the Mediterranean Sea: the impact of mass tourism on a place's social and cultural heritage. The site's specific territorial and atmospheric conditions (Biokovo mountain/Earth, Bura/Wind, Adriatic Sea/Water) give unique tastes to local products, strongly defining Makarska’s unique identity. Three sites in the core of the city center were proposed with programs gravitating around culture and food: a market, a gastronomic center, and a cultural platform. These programs set great opportunities to define public spaces that could offer new synergies between locals and tourists.
© Brassebin_Terrisse
- ActualitésDate de l'événement
29/01/2025 - 09/03/2025Published on 27/01/2025
Exposition à Prague
L'exposition du Prix de l'Union européenne pour l'architecture contemporaine / Prix Mies van der Rohe 2024, qui s'est ouverte à Après Barcelone Madrid [...]EUmies Awards 2024
- Actualités
Published on 22/01/2025
Alive Architecture : Waterside Voices
Alive Architecture, en collaboration avec Valyo & Mome de Budapest et Urbanisepare de Rijeka, a remporté le projet d'Europe créative « Waterside [...]Projet Creative Europe
- News
Published on 22/01/2025
Alive Architecture Public Space 4Her
The “Public Space 4 Her” project aims to actively involve young women aged 12 to 17 in the co-design and co-construction of a social, aesthetic and [...]Creative Europe Project