- Architects
Atelier Gigogne sprl
- Description
- The origin of the name of "Atelier GIGOGNE" lies in the nesting of the dimensions of architectural scope, from the details of objects to the territory, passing through the building and the urban.
"Atelier GIGOGNE" is a place of creation and realization of architectures open on the multiplicity of our world, facing every scale.
The architects of "Atelier GIGOGNE", and the majority of their partners share their practice between realization of projects, architectural teaching, in various research structures and different places.
The will to work in small team, on a artisanal scale, is linked with the practice of various partnerships, primarily other architects, and allow expanding the scope of action and enrich an open reflection to the variety of encountered programs..
The attention paid to the context and history, accompanies the invention of spaces and architectural forms, in response to the contemporary issues and wants to act in the hope of a future egalitarian, educated and sustainable. - Creation
- 2001
- Associates
- Pierre VAN ASSCHE is Architect, Urban Planner and Professor Emeritus at the UCL-LOCI.
Catherine TITEUX is architect and PhD in Art History, lecturer of National High Schools of architecture. - Collaborators
- Architectes & ingénieurs-architectes ayant collaboré à l'Atelier GIGOGNE :
Jean-Denis Thiry, architecte
Grégoire Fettweis, architecte
Jean-Philippe Jasienski, ingénieur architecte
Sylvie Somville, architecte
Donatien de le Court, architecte
Pauline Danel, architecte
Antoine Belayew, architecte
Jean-Philippe De Visscher, ingénieur architecte
Serge Devaux, architecte
Laetisia Franck, architecte
Sophie Deneufbourg, ingénieur architecte
Mathieu Jourquin, ingénieur architecte
Hélène Rillaerts, ingénieur architecte
Damien Claeys, architecte (stage étudiant)
Vincent Piroux, ingénieur architecte
Cécile Chanvillard, ingénieur architecte
Julie Leloup, architecte - Awards
- Prizes and mentions of Pierre Van Assche & Atelier Gigogne
• Selecting "reflecting an interesting trend" in the Architecture Prize 1979 Robert Maskens a house in Waterloo Street Mattot.
• Mention in the International Award of the National Institute of Housing for 1979-1980 in a house in Waterloo Street Mattot.
Award-winning project in the competition for the urbanization of "Southern Slopes" and "District of the Gold Coast" organized in 1979 by the City of Créteil - Paris. Production of a set of 210 housing and neighborhood facilities, completed project (Cooparch 1981-1983).
• CIACO Competition in Louvain-la-Neuve, winning second (Cooparch 1981).
• Second ranked competition for the development of Jardy Harras for installing sports equipment - Hauts de Seine Department (Cooparch-France, 1982).
• Architecture Prize "Earth-Terra" 1984 (co Scalais Villa - W. Serneels - Cooparch)
• Prize of the City of Brussels in the Contest "Roof of Court" organized in 1988 by the Maison du Spectacle of Bellone. (NB: this competition was for a retractable cover)
• Price Charles J. Duyver 1990 for the renovation of old Waucquez Stores V. Horta for the Belgian Comic Strip Centre.
• Award for Heritage Enhancement of the Golden Rules of Urban Planning in 1991 (Former Waucquez institutions).
• Winning project 1993 at the Charles J.Duyver Foundation for an extension of a dwelling house in Alsemberg (with Ch.Gillis ass -. OZON).
• First prize in the competition in 1993 for the construction of a multipurpose gym at Headquarters Charmille in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (ass with Ch.Gillis -. OZON).
• 1996 First prize in the competition for the renovation of a set of three buildings Kessels street in Schaerbeek (ancient baths of Schaerbeek (ass with Ch B. Gillis and Thielemans -.. OZON).
• Winner mentioned in Architectural Competition Océ 1998 for a terraced house under 7 meters of frontage (Préat-De Ridder house in Watermael-Boitsfort).
• Winning project for the creation of the cinema complex "The Grignoux" in December 2002 in Liège (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Winning project for the conversion of a former brewery into 35 housing units for artists Black Horse Street in Molenbeek in September 2003 (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Project winner of the tender for the conversion of the former Ursuline Convent in Mons in January 2004 (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Belgian Building Awards 2005 nominated for the National Theatre (Associated Architects - Workshop GIGOGNE - Scheldt) in the category of new construction, non-residential buildings.
• Nominated for "Laurel Timber Construction 2006" in the European Fair Wood (Alexpo - Grenoble) in April 2005.
prizes and mentions of Pierre Van Assche & Atelier Gigogne
• Selecting "reflecting an interesting trend" in the Architecture Prize 1979 Robert Maskens a house in Waterloo Street Mattot.
• Mention in the International Award of the National Institute of Housing for 1979-1980 in a house in Waterloo Street Mattot.
Award-winning project in the competition for the urbanization of "Southern Slopes" and "District of the Gold Coast" organized in 1979 by the City of Créteil - Paris. Production of a set of 210 housing and neighborhood facilities, completed project (Cooparch 1981-1983).
• CIACO Competition in Louvain-la-Neuve, winning second (Cooparch 1981).
• Second ranked competition for the development of Jardy Harras for installing sports equipment - Hauts de Seine Department (Cooparch-France, 1982).
• Architecture Prize "Earth-Terra" 1984 (co Scalais Villa - W. Serneels - Cooparch)
• Prize of the City of Brussels in the Contest "Roof of Court" organized in 1988 by the Maison du Spectacle of Bellone. (NB: this competition was for a retractable cover)
• Price Charles J. Duyver 1990 for the renovation of old Waucquez Stores V. Horta for the Belgian Comic Strip Centre.
• Award for Heritage Enhancement of the Golden Rules of Urban Planning in 1991 (Former Waucquez institutions).
• Winning project 1993 at the Charles J.Duyver Foundation for an extension of a dwelling house in Alsemberg (with Ch.Gillis ass -. OZON).
• First prize in the competition in 1993 for the construction of a multipurpose gym at Headquarters Charmille in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (ass with Ch.Gillis -. OZON).
• 1996 First prize in the competition for the renovation of a set of three buildings Kessels street in Schaerbeek (ancient baths of Schaerbeek (ass with Ch B. Gillis and Thielemans -.. OZON).
• Winner mentioned in Architectural Competition Océ 1998 for a terraced house under 7 meters of frontage (Préat-De Ridder house in Watermael-Boitsfort).
• Winning project for the creation of the cinema complex "The Grignoux" in December 2002 in Liège (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Winning project for the conversion of a former brewery into 35 housing units for artists Black Horse Street in Molenbeek in September 2003 (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Project winner of the tender for the conversion of the former Ursuline Convent in Mons in January 2004 (consortium Scheldt-Gigogne).
• Belgian Building Awards 2005 nominated for the National Theatre (Associated Architects - Workshop GIGOGNE - Scheldt) in the category of new construction, non-residential buildings.
• Nominated for "Laurel Timber Construction 2006" in the European Fair Wood (Alexpo - Grenoble) in April 2005. - Publications
- Publications
- BOOKS: (main works published in which the projects and achievements of Pierre Van Assche personal -References and associations - are described or mentioned and / or illustrated)
• antologie SPACE FRAME BRUSSELS, Georgette Lambotte-Verdicq Louis Musin editor, 1978 évoquation project rehablitation of the Sidewalk to the Laines, p.282. (D / 1978/0523/15)
• White Paper # 3 Campaign and action for the redeployment of the architectural heritage in Brussels 1985-1986 item on the project "Centre for Comic Strip Art Belgian" - Brigitte Buyssens, 1985 - p.31 36 .
• White Paper No. 4 of the Campaign and of action for the redeployment of the architectural heritage in Brussels from 1987 to 1988, article on the project "Center for the Belgian Comic Strip" - Brigitte & Daniel Buyssens Decamp, 1987 - p. 18 & 19.
• 50 YEARS OF ARCHITECTURE - BRUSSELS, edited by CERAA, October 1989 - Modernity and tradition, article by R. Matthu, p. 68, 69, 77. (D.1989 / 4544-2)
• XIX & GUIDE BRUSSELS ART NOUVEAU, under the direction of Pierre Loze, Eiffel Editions - CFC Editions, 1990 - p.52 to 54 and cover. NB This is the second edition of a book published in 1985 under the same title with Marc Vokaer editions in 1985. Completely missing from this first edition, the old stores are renovated Waucquez against by the main supplement provided by the author the new edition. (D.1990 / 5298/4)
• Modern Architecture Guide, Brussels and surroundings, 1890-1990 - Jaques Aron, Patrick Pierre & Burniat Puttemans - Itineraries Didier Hatier 1990 - p.30 & 31. (ISBN 2-87088-714-0)
• VICTOR HORTA, Franco Borsi & Paolo Portoghesi, editor Marc Vokar 1990 p.87, p.282 to 293 pictures (D / 1990/3544/15)
• ART NOUVEAU IN BRUSSELS TODAY, Christian Mesnil - Editions JM Collet 1992 - p.24 to 30. (ISBN 2-873667-015-0)
• BRUSSELS, CHRONICLE OF A CAPITAL STARTS, Thiery Demey, Volume 2, ed. Paul Legrain, 1992. Renovation of the street in the Laines, p.307 to 314, ERU cited p. 311 & 313. (D / 1992/0197/01)
• BELGIO - ARCHITETTURA, GLI ULTIMI vent'anni, Marc Dubois, Electa (Milano) 1993 p.30 & 31. (ISBN 88-435-4270-2)
• Modern Architecture Guide, Brussels - Jaques Aron, Patrick Pierre & Burniat Puttemans - Editions of the Octagon, "Detour" collection 1993 - p.30 & 31. (ISBN 2-930076-01-1)
• MONUMENTAL HERITAGE OF BELGIUM - Mardaga Pierre, editor, 1994 Brussels Pentagon flight. 1B p. 528 & 1C p. 268. (ISBN 2-87009-530-9)
BRUSSELS • NEW CITY ARCHITECTURE 1989-1995 - PRISM Editions 1995 p.74 & 75. (ISBN 2-9600103-0-2)
• DISTRICT ROYAL, led by Arlette Smolar-Meynart & André Vanrie, CFC editions, article by Pierre Puttemans, p.287 -1998 (ISBN 2-930018-17-8)
• FLOATING ISLANDS - Philippe Van Kessel, "An area of ??Freedom", p.22-28 & Thierry Decuypere, "Built from the Theatre," p. 29 - collection "The Purloined Letter", Ministry of French Community of Belgium, 2002 (ISBN 2-87317-174-X)
• NEXT, 8th International Architecture Exhibition - Ed Marsilio, 2002, p.18 & 20. (ISBN 88-317-8104-9).
• VISIONS - Public Architectures, Volume 3, NATIONAL THEATRE, collection "The Purloined Letter", Ministry of French Community of Belgium, 2004. (ISBN 2-87317-255-X)
• {10² - 100 years drawings (St-Luc Brussels, 2004).
• BELGIUM ARCHITECTURE NEUW 3 (National Theatre Wallonia-Brussels), Prism Editions 2005, p.202 & 203. (ISBN 2-930451-00-9-)
• ROADMAP Volume 8 - The wooden architecture, Wallonia and surroundings - Wood and Habitat, p. 8 & 8a (2006).
• BRUSSELS NEAR WITH US, architecture in neighborhoods contracts, Maurizio Cohen & Marie-Françoise Plissart, published by the Brussels Capital Region in 2007, p.63, 84, 107. (ISBN 978-2- 9600749-0-1)
• ARCHITECTURE, WALLONIA-BRUSSELS, inventory 2005-2010. Illustrated Projects: La Maison des Femmes (Zed & Gigogne, p.67), the Marc Sleen Foundation (Gigogne Workshop, p.146-147), housing for artists from Black Horse (Scheldt-Gigogne, p.200- 201) (ISBN 978-2-9600878-5-7)
• BELGIUM NEW ARCHITECTURE 5, 31 housing-units / studios for artists (the Scheldt-Gigogne, p.173-175) (ISBN 978-2-930451-09-1)
• LAB 1030 SCHAERBEEK - Booklet contemporary architecture in Brussels (SADBr & WAH!): Nomadic walk on ballast (residential transit) p.18-19, p.32-33 House of Women (ISBN 978-2- 930427-14-0)
• Occasional AMC "Housing" - November 2011 - "the Scheldt Gigogne & Workshop - 31 homes in Brussels) p.94-97 (EAN 9782281194913)
• MONS - 6 BUILDING muzzles (CIVA + editions of Mons, February 2012): Project Artothèque (Gigogne-l'Escaut p.29-41) (ISBN: 978-2-930391-45-8)
PROFESSIONAL REVIEWS: (articles in the trade press of architecture and construction in which the projects and achievements of Pierre Van Assche - personal references and associations - are described or referenced)
• A-PLUS No 19 - June 1975 - "La Rue aux Laines," Sint-Lukasarchief, p.15 to 19 illustration of the sketch of the renovation of the street by the ERU (A.Smeets & P. Van Assche).
• SCAB, weekly bulletin No. 23-24 inforamation - June 1976 - "La Rue aux Laines, or possible debate," Pierre Puttemans, p.2 4. - "To be continued ...", JP Blondel, p.5 & 6.
• BUILDING No. 151 - April 1980 "Architecture - The international price of INL" illustration (house Waterloo) p.25.
• A-PLUS No. 64 May / June 1980 Architecture Prize 79/80, illustration (house Waterloo) p.19.
• PLANNING No. 183 - 1981 (French magazine), "Créteil, accumulation cities ..." Save Marc, p.57 to 59.
• A-PLUS No. 74 - January-February 1982, "Housing Complex in Namur", p.28 & 27.
• LIVE 87 - March 1982 (publication of the National Institute of Housing), "The renovation of the Saint-François district of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode" Françoise Guelff - p.24 to 33.
ARCHITECTURE • No. 37 - July 1982 "Public Workshops: Créteil contrasting experiences: the refusal of project management." P.4 & 5 (surcharge).
• MONITOR public works and construction, January 28, 1983 (Paris) - "For a different local practice of urban planning and architecture", Sophie Boegner, 36 p.34, p.35 illustration.
• A-PLUS No. 79-80 - January-February 1983, "The St. Francis island in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode", Daniel Fish (Cooparch), p.12 to 15. Description and illustration of 32- 34 Green Street.
• CLAY AND CONSTRUCTION No. 34 - March 1984 publication of the Architecture Award Clay 1984 villa "Scalais" (Cooparch), Project Willy Serneels, drawings by Pierre Van Assche, p.12 to 15.
• A-PLUS 85, February 1985, "Les Halles de Schaerbeek, p.14 to 17.
• OF WOONSTEDE - HOUSES OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY No. 68, 4th quarter. 1985 Bruno Fornari p.2 article 21, cfr.p.19.
• A + ARCHITECTURE 89 4th quarter 1985 - Competition for the administration offices of the Walloon Region in Namur, p.26 illustration.
• ARCHITECTURE AND LIFE No. 16 - May-June 1986, "The Belgian Comics Centre housed in the former Waucquez Stores", p.39.
• NIEUW NINE No. 123 - sept.1986, "The Cooparch in Schaerbeek and Créteil", p.20 to 24.
CONSTRUCTION • No. 14 - April 1988 "With Pierre Van Assche, visit Waucquez stores, comic museum completed in 1989", TE, & p.28 p.1.
• MONITOR public works and construction, Special Issue June 1988 (Paris), "the markets of rehabilitation" - The new looks of the old continent, p. 16-34 - Belgium: a new art for the comic center, p.22.
• CITY & CAPITA No. 187, November 1989, "The Shops Waucquez: an ad hoc redeployment" Eric Fusillier, p.32.
• DECORATIONS No. 965, December 1989 - "More than ever young, Art Nouveau The successful restoration of the House Waucquez.." - Report by Marie-Madeleine Arnold, photo Thierry Collard, p. 134-143.
CONSTRUCTION • No. 32 - August 10, 1990 - "When art nouveau houses the ninth art", Brigitte De Wolf-Cambier, p.24.
• I WILL BUILD No. 136 - December 1990 "Brussels XIX and Art Nouveau", Ch Cordemans illustration p.21 & 35..
DOMUS • No. 724 - February 1991 (Milan), "Victor Horta, Magazzini Waucquez, Brussels," Giovanna D'Amia, p.74 to 80.
• A + ARCHITECTURE No. 63 - March 1991 "Architecture Prize Charles Duyver", p.8.
CONSTRUCTION • No. 11 to 15 March, 1991, "Price Charles Duyver 1990 (St-Luc St-Gilles)", p.2.
• I WILL BUILD No. 140 - April 1991 "A house, its architect", Ch Cordemans, illustrations p.12, 22, 46 & 47..
• I WILL BUILD No. 142 - June / July / August 1991 "Attic and loft city", Ch Cordemans, article and illustrations p.48 to 54..
• A + ARCHITECTURE No. 113 - August 1991 "urban and architectural analysis - The extension of the Museum of Modern Art rue Montagne de la Cour," Roland Matthu (Project P. Gillis Van Assche and Ch. - OZON architecture) , p.52 55.
CONSTRUCTION • No. 31 to 2 August 1991 - "ARAU: no to the extension project of the Museum of Modern Art in Brussels," TE, p.2.
• AAA (Arts-Antiques-Auctions) 221, September 1991, "Our institutions: the Museum of Modern Art trapped?" Roger Pierre Turine, p.150 to 152.
• DOMINO No. 9, November 1991, "OZON Peter Van Assche, Bernard Baines, Christopher Gillis", p.48.
• I WILL BUILD No. 147 - January 1992 - "Architecture in the Belgian honor," Ch Cordemans, p.58 & 60 illustrations..
CONSTRUCTION • February 12, 1993, "housing operation" means "original Delens for Jacques and Woluwe-St-Pierre", TE, p.13 & 14.
CONSTRUCTION • April 1, 1994, "Price Charles J.Duyver 93 (Christophe Gillis in association with Pierre Van Assche)", TE, p.23.
• A + ARCHITECTURE No. 123 - August 1993 "Metamorphosis", Roland Matthu (Extension house Bergiers Christophe Gillis and Pierre Van Assche - OZON architecture), p.52 to 55.
• Magazine CUCB, 1994, Jean-Pierre Blondel (? P.120 to 122).
• SEE THE ARTS MAGAZINE No. 114 - April 1995 - "younger than ever: the new art", Marie-Madeleine Arnold, p.11 & 12.
• CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION No. 23 - March 1996 - cited p. 23.
• CITY AND PEOPLE No. 268 - March 1997 - "A contest of ideas in the service of rehabilitation, we want more Ozon The office of architects" - Bernard Devillers, p.22 & 23.
• A + ARCHITECTURE n ° 146 - June-July, 1997, "Renovation and typological mutations, the Kessels contest in Schaerbeek" Roland Matthu (49-51 renovation Kessels street in Schaerbeek, OZON architecture) p. 76 to 79.
• A + ARCHITECTURE No. 150 - February-March 1998, '' Small interventions, small events, '' Maurizio Cohen (renovation of the former hotel Léon Govaerts in Saint-Josse-ten-Node, p.30 & 31 - Transformation home Préat-De Ridder, p. 32 & 33.
• A + 177 - August-September 2002, "Venice - the floating islands", Koen Van Singhel (Community Wallonia-Brussels National Theatre) p. 52-53.
• AIT (Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau) - September 2002 "Museal erneuert" Jakob Schoof, p.124 & p.143 to 127.
• PROSCENIUM nr 31 - juni 2004, "From Alchemy van een instrument een nieuw huis voor het National Theatre in Brussel" Luc Dhooghe, p. 4-11.
• A + 189 - August-September 2004, "National / Brussels Theatre, behind the scenes," Maurizio Cohen, p.48-53.
• ABITARE No. 447 - February 2005 - "National Theatre in Brussels," Maurizio Cohen, p.28-30.
• ARTE NEWS # 17 - March 2005 "New creative spaces for theatrical adventures", p.53-55 (CBBD + p. 58).
• ARCHITRAVE - June 2006 No. 155, "An input wooden shrine," p. 48 & 49.
• B & H - Bois & Habitat Magazine - # 1/06 was, "New entry", p. 15.
WOOD & Dependence • Architecture, Special Issue April 2009.
• A + 222 - February-March 2010 - "sonotopiques Searches" (competition Arsonic), Marie-Cécile Guyaux, p.89.
• A + 222 - February-March 2010 - "Illusion of spaces" (Marc Sleen Museum), Marjorie Vereckt, p.44 & 45.
• The Art-Even - No. 23-2010 - In Situ, "gentrification positive in Molenbeek," Victor Brunfaut, p.23.
• A + 227 - December & January 2011 - "Building a challenge" (The House of Women in Schaerbeek, Zed & Nesting), Marta Di Vincenzo, p.50 & 51.
• Beton 209 - January 2011 - The House of Women, architectural concrete in the heart of Schaerbeek - P.6-11
• Architecture / Febelcem Bulletin April 2012 - Opening presence visually and Black Horse in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean.

rue Schildknecht 33/G
1020 Bruxelles
Tél : 32 2 428 82 02 - 32 476 98 53 96
- Marc Sleen Foundation2009 – 2010Bruxelles
- Housing for artists "The Black Horse"2003 – 2010Bruxelles
- Reconversion of former Convent Ursulines2004 – 2013Mons
- Home Women2006 – 2010Bruxelles
- Urban Housing low energy2010 – 2013Bruxelles
Concept & Design : Salutpublic | Développement : Bien à vous