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12/10/2022 - 08/01/2023Site Internet
Published on 07/06/2022
AgwA: Dispositions
© Séverin Malaud This autumn, A+ and Bozar present Dispositions, the first monographic exhibition dedicated to the work of the Brussels architecture office AgwA. Through a selection of recent projects, Dispositions invites us to discover their architectural practice and immerses us in the working environment of the office.
AgwA, whose partners are Benoît Vandenbulcke, Harold Fallon and Benoît Burquel, was founded between 2003 and 2006 in Brussels. This office designs architecture that allows the building to evolve over time and its users to take ownership of it. The office’s work mainly comprises building and public infrastructure conversions and includes the redesign of the Charleroi Palais des Expositions in collaboration with Jan De Vylder and Inge Vinck (architecten jdviv), the development of a water sports and general sports centre in Péronnes, in association with Artgineering, and the requalification of the ECAM (Ecole Centrale des Arts et Métiers) site in Saint-Gilles. AgwA approaches its architectural practice in such a way that it reveals social commitment, and endeavours to meet challenges that are contextual, structural, programmatic and economic as well as human and environmental.The exhibition Dispositions is based on six completed or ongoing projects that reveal various themes addressed in their architectural practice. It is part of an authentic approach and presents documents and work models in their original state, demonstrating the office’s creative process. It is accompanied by a monograph offering an additional perspective on the office’s practice, co-produced by A+ Architecture in Belgium, Bozar Books and the publishing house Walther and Franz König (Cologne).
Supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,Vlaamse overheid
Partner : KU Leuven Faculteit Architectuur
- Actualités
Published on 20/02/2025
Baukunst à Barcelone
Le jeudi 20 février à 19 heures aura lieu la quatrième séance du cycle de conférences « Europe, Europe » organisée par le COAC de Barcelone, qui vise [...]Conférence
- Actualités
Published on 13/02/2025
Baukunst à Hambourg
Conférence croisée entre Alessandro Gess/l’AUC Paris et Adrien Verschuere/ BAUKUNST dans le cadre du cycle de congérence MAGISTRALEN organisée par la [...]Conférence