- News
Published on 04/03/2025
At Cité Radieuse Le Corbusier de Briey-en-Forêt
© Robinayef To promote the discovery of Louis Bosny's work, the association La Première Rue is proposing to create a travelling version of the exhibition UNE SOBRIÉTÉ CRÉATIVE, LOUIS BOSNY, ARCHITECTE 1924-1983 recently presented at the Cité Miroir in Liège.
The images and texts will be displayed on simple sheets of printed cardboard, leaning against the walls to facilitate travel and installation.
As at the Cité Miroir, the scenography will be accompanied by a model, works from the period and original drawings by the architect, as well as photographs of contemporary life in the homes designed by Louis Bosny.
This exhibition is based on a book published by
published by Fourre-Tout. The author, architect
Jean-Michel Degraeve, traces the thread of a family history
and a professional career at a time of far-reaching
time of far-reaching social reforms.
A meticulous investigation that offers a panorama
thoroughly documented overview of Bosny's life and work
Bosny's life and work, as well as the reality of social
housing.Curator: Editions Fourre-Tout
Original production: Editions Fourre-Tout / MNEMA asbl - La Cité Miroir
Scenography: Pierre-Yves Jurdant, Vincent Dietsch, Steven Vitale
Photographs: Nayef Hazimeh & Robin Nissen (Robinayef) Texts: Carmelo Virone and Pierre Hebbelinck
Literary advisor: Pascal Leclercq
Communication: Jeanne Hebbelinck, Vitale DesignThe exhibition will be on show in La Première Rue's Galerie Blanche from 22 March to 23 May 2025. The opening is open to the public on 22 March at 5pm.
- Actualités
Published on 20/02/2025
Baukunst à Barcelone
Le jeudi 20 février à 19 heures aura lieu la quatrième séance du cycle de conférences « Europe, Europe » organisée par le COAC de Barcelone, qui vise [...]Conférence
- Actualités
Published on 13/02/2025
Baukunst à Hambourg
Conférence croisée entre Alessandro Gess/l’AUC Paris et Adrien Verschuere/ BAUKUNST dans le cadre du cycle de congérence MAGISTRALEN organisée par la [...]Conférence