- NewsDate de l'événement
22/07 - 17/09/2023Published on 13/06/2023
Studio Muoto/Label Architecture: Exhibition in Frontenay
The Studio Muoto / Label Architecture exhibition is the first part of a series of summer exhibitions dedicated to contemporary architecture designed [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
13/07/2023Published on 06/06/2023
Label: Lecture in Hamburg
Brussels-based studio Label has been invited to take part in the Hamburg Architecture and Urban Discourse a lecture series organised by the Fritz [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
01/07 - 03/09/2023Published on 24/05/2023
La vie en kit in Poland
The film La vie en Kit by Elodie Degavre has been selected for the On Art Film Festival in Lodz, Poland from July 1 to September 3. "La vie en kit [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
15/05/23Published on 11/05/2023
The Studio II of Architecture II of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague will host a lecture by architect Maarten Gielen from the [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
31/05/23 - 01/06/23Published on 11/05/2023
La vie en kit: new screenings in France
Three new dates in France for the screening of the documentary La vie en Kit directed by Elodie Degavre! May 31st at Festizome in Salies du Salat June [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
29/04/23 - 09/07/23Published on 11/05/2023
EUmies Awards Exhibition 2022 in Ebeltoft (DK)
The exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Awards 2022, which opened in Barcelona and has already [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
20/05 - 26/11/23Published on 25/04/2023
Venice Biennale of Architecture: other belgian participations
In addition to the Belgian pavilion, which is traditionally occupied alternately by Flanders ( Composite Presence - Bovenbouw Architectuur - 2021 ) [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
11/05/23 - 09/23Published on 24/04/2023
Bauclub, Laboratoire &co: Exhibition in Paris
The Found objects project is a collective exploration of the issues, challenges, ideas and forms of re-use in architecture. Situated at the heart of [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
04/05/2023Published on 24/04/2023
Jonathan Ortegat: Ennesimo Film Festival in Italy
It is above all a bias: not telling the story of the construction of the Amal Amjahid building located on the edge of the canal in Molenbeek, but the [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
29/03/23Published on 27/03/2023
Life, assembled in Rennes
ENSA_Bretagne is organizing a screening of the documentary " La vie en Kit", in the presence of the director, Elodie Degavre, on Wednesday, March 29 [...]
- NewsDate de l'événement
16/03/2023Published on 14/03/2023
V+: Lecture in Ljubljana
Thierry Decuypere will give a lecture entitled "What makes a good architecture _ A story about an average architecture office" on Thursday 16 March at [...]