


« Le propre de tout être devenu Humain est sa conscience de l’Autre. »
(S. Leribaux) 

This postulate leads to the studio’s responsible commitment to our present and future environment. Indeed the built and unbuilt realm staging our earthly interactions is mutating, both literally and figuratively: climate change is palpable, nature and resources are impacted, half of the planet’s inhabitants presently lives in urban settings – and these trends show no signs of decelerating. Yet so far we cannot offer a credible solution to the sheer scale of the situation. It is therefore paramount that think modes integrate this changing context to its full extent – and in doing so address the diverse echelons wherein architects and urban planners work hand in hand. Thus cities become a collective body of work in which our fundamental human right to live together with dignity notwithstanding our differences is upheld, where rules are necessary but do not constitute a guaranty of success, and where we are once again put face to face with real circumstances real people and their innate ability to deliver – to get things done.

architectesassoc+ wishes to accompany this evolution by contributing pragmatically to a sustainable environment in all its aspects, aiming at a generous, altruistic reflection shunning sectarianism, where issues such as identity, positive social impact and circular perspectives resonate in angles taken and projects developed.

This is reflected in the team’s broad outlook, essentially tapping into the wealth of exchanges encouraged between all players from design stage to delivery – and equally, into each actor’s respective competencies. Composed of professionals who employ their talents and skills to bring to life novel, flexible, concrete visions in architecture based on their hands-on experience, architectesassoc+ subsequently pushes synergies and collaborations with other essential actors of the building process (engineers, builders, urbanists, scenographers, artists, photographers, etc) to prosper, striving thereby to embrace the inalienable complexity and ambiguity of the world we share today with tomorrow’s children.


In 2000, after having collaborated together for almost a decade, architects Sabine Leribaux and Marc Lacour founded architectesassoc. In 2019, after twelve years of fruitful collaboration with the two founding partners, architects Mattias D’Hooghe, Sophie Vantieghem and Sébastien Zigrand joined the partnership to form architectesassoc+


Mattias D'Hooghe
Sophie Vantieghem
Sébastien Zigrand


Kadir Bostan
Kaushik Keshava Ramanuja
Mattia Barilani
Marie-Annick Rabefiraisana
Michael Hoebeke
Sophie De Toffol
Thomas Maisin
Weronika Zukowska
Xiaolan Vandendries


Pacheco: RENOLAB.B 2023
Greenbizz: BATEX 2013
Elia: BATEX 2011
Aéropolis II : BATEX 2007
Ernotte-Ixelles : Projet lauréat : plan régional du logement 2007
Aéropolis II: nominé au jury final du prix belge pour l’architecture 2011, catégorie non résidentielle – secteur privé
Aéropolis II: nominé au jury final du prix belge pour l’énergie 2011, catégorie non résidentielle
Aéropolis II: lauréat du prix d’architecture contemporaine 2011 de la commune de Schaerbeek 
Belmont Court:Lauréat au MIPIM Awards 2007 
Centre Maisin: Prix d'architecture Bruxelles-Horta 2005





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Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Bruxelles

+32 2 421 83 64

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Concept & Design : Salutpublic | Développement : Bien à vous