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DeadlinePublié le 17/12/2014
Bellaria Hill Park and Antenna, Landmark for Salerno
© Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures The competition focuses on the landscaping and redesign of an area currently occupied by a series of telecommunications antennas. Partially owned by the Town of Salerno, the site is situated atop the Bellaria Hill and includes the entrance area, internal paths, parking and a belvedere in a public park.The objective is to recover the use of this panoramic park in the heart of the city and, simultaneously, to ensure maximum safety for residents and visitors through the environmental rehabilitation of the entire area and the realisation of a safe and functional Telecommunications Antenna. The design of the new Antenna must minimise visual and electromagnetic impact and constitute an expression of contemporary design able to represent an urban Landmark that substitutes the numerous, obsolete and disturbing antennas currently situated atop a series of unattractive and intrusive steel structures.PrizesFirst Prize: Euro 12.500 + Commission
Second Prize: Euro 4.500
Third Prize: Euro 2.500