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natjecaj@d-a-r.hrPublié le 22/07/2013
Delta and Porto Baross area in Rijeka, Croatia
© Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures The Port of Rijeka Authority in cooperation with the City of Rijeka, launched the competition for urban – architectural concept design for the development of Delta and Porto Baross area in Rijeka, Croatia.
The competition is public, international, open, single-stage, anonymus, ideas competition and it has been carried out within Rijeka Gateway Project – Port City Interface component, the purpose of which is the conversion of port areas of Delta and Porto Baross into urban center.
The Competition is carried out and organized by Rijeka Architects Association (DAR), acting on behalf of the Port of Rijeka Authority and the City of Rijeka.
The Competition refers to a broader area (Northern and Southern Delta and Porto Baross, with the total surface area of 32 hectares), from Spomenik oslobođenja (Liberation monument in Rijeka) to the shoreline. The competitors are required to observe the basic spatial organization of the General urbanistic plan of the City of Rijeka and to offer spatial solutions considering the planned city park in Northern Delta, positions of the new residential, commercial and mixed-use buildings, hotel and public use areas, as well as the organization of public areas - streets, squares, promenades, and coast of Southern Delta. Within the area of Porto Baros, competitors are required to offer a solution for the new marina with supporting facilities integrating the port warehouses protected as cultural heritage.
The awarded competition entries will make the integral part of the bidding documents in international tender for award of the concession on Delta and Porto Baross area. All the bidders in the internation tender for concession shall be required to adhere to one of three winning urbanistic solutions, at their preference which urbanistic solution would then represent expert basis for further development of urban planning documents.
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Publié le 18/02/2025
Le Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers (Paris) : appel à candidature pour l’aménagement scénographique de ses espaces d’accueil
Le Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers à Paris lance un appel à candidature pour l’aménagement scénographique de ses espaces d’accueil. ESPACES CONCERNÉS PAR L [...]