Hanna Charlotta Petersson

Publié le 01/09/2014

Open call for curator : Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016

© Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures

Oslo Architecture Triennale (OAT) seeks a Chief Curator or Curator Team for its sixth international triennial to be held in Oslo, Norway in the autumn of 2016. The Curator will have primary academic and artistic responsibility for OAT 2016, including the development of its conceptual and thematic framework, research and programming, exhibitions and events. Proposals in English, from individuals or collectives of any nationality and country of residence.

OAT 2016 aims to look at the future.

After the decline of utopian thinking there is a need to raise a discussion on possible futures. This emphasis should be understood as an open framework for conceptualising an OAT program that contemplates the challenges of tomorrow and discusses potential and alternative futures.

OAT wishes to encourage a discussion of the future of architecture, and the future relevance of the discipline of architecture, contextualised in an international/European setting, as opposed to a more territorial specific Nordic/Norwegian approach. The theme should open up for an analysis of the effects of future technologies and possible future policies.

To ensure a broad involvement, the curatorial proposal needs to describe a plan for engaging other disciplines and the inhabitants of Oslo.

Established by an opening and closing event, the core components of OAT 2016 will include a main exhibition, a project within a public space in Oslo and a main international conference. In addition, other associated activities and extended programs will be developed by program partners, and in agreement with the Curator and the executive team.

The Curator will lead the research work prior to the triennial and develop an international competition, or parallel assignment in 2015. The competition should ask for exhibition or program content for OAT 2016 that contributes to commenting on or challenging the concept chosen by the Curator. The winning proposal or assigned projects will be further developed in collaboration with the Curator and included in the OAT 2016 program.





Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Bruxelles

+32 2 421 83 64

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